β€˜E’ Is For Erogenous….

Zones. Lol. I wanted to type that as part of the title, but it just didn’t feel right. πŸ™‚

I thought this was too funny not to include on this post. πŸ˜‚ We’re about to find out!

So this is one of the first things I saw while researching…..

I liked two things about this. One, it breaks down the word. I love words and their meanings. Two, the illustration is amusing to me lol. Although I’d say maybe just a bit untrue. πŸ˜‰

I feel as though some zones are painfully obvious here, as the picture demonstrates on both characters. However, I think some zones are less obvious. Two that stuck out to me that I found interesting are in the armpit area and behind the knee. Never would’ve even guessed those would’ve been erogenous zones! But after reading other sources, I saw it was a consistent thing. I’m wondering about those spots being played with while tied up….

I also found an article that went over many of these spots and I enjoyed reading it. You can read the full post here. I liked how they almost gave ideas how to stimulate these areas. For example, they talk about the under arm area, which is interesting to me. They suggest a light tickle from the inner arm running up to the armpit area and even reference the movie Dirty Dancing, which wasn’t something I picked up in the movie during that scene. I wonder now if that was part of it…. πŸ˜‰ I’m also curious if light slaps in those areas would also have an affect. I have this vision of being tied up with my arms more above my head, restrained with my Master running his fingertips along my arms and then every now and again giving a little slap. We’ll see, won’t we? πŸ˜‰

Another zone that I love being touched is my inner thigh. This is also mentioned in the above article and I couldn’t agree more. It’s the anticipation of being touched there that makes it such a turn on. It’s a huge teasing move. My Master did this not too long ago when we met for lunch and we sat in a booth together before we parted ways. Such an electric touch that makes me crave more and more from him….

I apologize for the shorter post today!! It’s been a very long week and I meant to have this done much earlier and I just wanted to get something posted lol. BUT, not to worry as I will be posting more regularly next week. πŸ™‚

Stay tuned!


β€˜D’ Is For Dominance….

It’s rather hilarious how I just sat here for the last hour trying to think of a word for this letter when it suddenly just hit me like a brick wall: Dominance. That’s the whole thing that brought me here. Dominance and submissiveness. At the risk of sounding more dramatic than I would like, my Master has changed my life.

There were/are things I have wanted to try and have/will with him. There are things I’ve done that I didn’t think I would. Things we have planned to experiment with. It doesn’t get old. Not for me anyways.

I know what it means for him….

I’ve done in the past a post about traits of dominant and submissive personalities so I won’t touch too much on that for a second time. However, if you haven’t read that post yet, click here to enlighten yourself. πŸ˜‰

I did find a new article while researching things for this post though. From Psychology Today, an article titled ‘Why Some of Us Seek Dominant Partners’. Basically, a study was done in Germany through personality questionnaires to determine how favorable the participants found a dominant sexual partner to be.

“Their results did reveal that there were two types of women who preferred dominant partnersβ€”those who displayed boredom susceptibility and disinhibition, and anxiety.

Now who does that sound like?? πŸ€” Oh, yeah…. ME! I found this article to be quite interesting. Now there was also a part in there about anxious women preferring a less dominant partner so they don’t feel overly controlled about trying new things; that they can do it more on their terms. This also makes sense to me, but it’s not quite the case for me. Having a dominant partner pushes me to do things I didn’t think I could do. Or didn’t even know I wanted to do. I feel like this ties in a bit with my last letter/word. He does help build my confidence from time to time, which I’m grateful for. Before I stray too far and forget to link it, head on over here to read the whole article if you’re interested. πŸ™‚

I love my dominant man. What we have works and works well for us. It’s things like this…

….that he does to make my heart and pussy melt for him.

I’m thankful and eager to show it to him for sticking around with me. Our personalities, in my opinion, compliment each other well. He’s dominant and in a position of authority; I’m submissive and work under several others. He’s very educated and professional; I only have a Bachelor’s degree and wear yoga pants in my den to work. It’s hard to believe what we have has lasted as long as it has. I’m by no means complaining, as it is a pleasant surprise. He’ll wise up eventually and walk away, but I will always remember our time together.

Entirely too true in this case!!

I adore my dominant Master and all the moments we share. ❀️

Talk again soon! Xoxo

‘C’ Is For Confidence….

Confidence. I actually struggled a little bit to choose a word for this letter. I was going to do something more sexual, but then I guess I realized that a lot of confidence goes into having sex. You’re actually pretty vulnerable when you’re having sex with someone, whether it’s serious and loving or random and dirty. You’re letting someone see you in a way that not every person in the world gets to see you. Unless maybe you’re busier than me…. πŸ™‚

amy schumer dancing GIF
This is really not that far off what I actually look like. Thanks for being everyone’s hero, Amy Schumer. If only I really was as confident as her!

Now, I don’t have very much confidence to be honest. There are those rare moments where somehow its spiked by adrenaline or who knows what and I am incredibly confident with myself and my body. Those moments are great, and I strive to have more of them by doing things just for myself to make me feel good.

I think that confidence plays a huge role in why I identify more with a submissive personality. From the articles and blog posts I’ve read, many subs out there have lower self-confidence and self-esteem. That’s definitely accurate about me. I know that he probably gets pretty annoyed with me and my lack of confidence most of the time. Even if he doesn’t believe it, he’s a huge source of strength for me when it comes to confidence. When he says β€œGood morning, sexy!”, I feel like I’m on top of the world. When I know he’s turned on around me or talking to me or he even does something small like getting a tea for me it feels good because he’s reminding me that I’m worth something. I’m worth remembering.

Just last night/this morning we talked a little about how he still chats with others. He says I’m the only one he meets, which makes me feel better about that part. I told him today that I would like it if he didn’t anymore. I try to always share what I’m feeling and that takes confidence to do!! It hard to tell someone when you’re hurt or they made you sad or that something is wrong. I believe he would try for me. To be completely honest, he hasn’t seen that message yet, so who knows what he’ll actually say. I could open our chat window to something I don’t want to see. So until then, I’m just not going to even check for a message for awhile because until I get a response and actually read it, I can continue to have hope for something good.

One in a million….

I also found this blog post I really liked that summed a lot of what I was feeling so if you feel like glancing at it just click here and let me know what you think if you found it interesting!

Anyways, thanks for anyone reading along!! You’re probably proud I’ve been keeping up so far with the alphabet! πŸ˜‰ And please keep this in mind, as I will try to do the same:

Because you are!!

β€˜B’ Is For Bruise….

Well, well!! Look at me doing two posts this week! So productive in everything today. When I thought about doing this whole alphabet thing, this is actually the first letter and word that came to mind. Not sure why, but it works! πŸ™‚

So, one of the first things my Master and I talked about was that we both wanted to try more with was marking me somehow. We talked many times about smacking and spanking hard enough to leave marks in various places.

The very first time he came over to place is so memorable for many reasons. It was a cooler, rainy/wet snowy day. I met him in one of our spots, and we came back here where he sat me up on my kitchen island after pulling my pants down to bury his face between my legs. Quickly after that, he had me bent over the island with my pants still pulled down. He had just told me ‘I love you’ for the first time the night before while we were messaging back and forth. He had me pressed against the cold granite countertop while he teased me about not believing him, because I thought he was maybe embellishing his feelings for me. Without much warning, his hand came down on my bare ass. Hard. Repeatedly. It stung and it hurt, but it felt SO good. And the way he would caress my cheeks in between was so sweet and loving. The juxtaposition of it all was this perfect balance and it was so exciting!! It was also the first time he had fucked me on my couch while we “watched” the movie Copycat on Netflix. I still haven’t finished it from that day!! πŸ˜‰

A day or so after my first spanking….

I know he loved making those marks appear. And I know it turned him on to watch my marked ass riding his cock as he sat beneath me on the couch…. So sexy and hot!!

Since then, we’ve played some with marks. Usually it’s something small. The last one was on my chest, but none of them have been like this first time…. I will never forget it. I can’t wait to have more experiences like this with him. He’s so fun to try things with. He feels safe and I trust him, which is very important while exploring this world.

I actually planned ahead and took another photo of the most recent mark he left on me….

Should’ve had him leave more than one mark….

I love when he leaves these on me. It’s this fun reminder of him and I love seeing it at random times throughout the day, especially when I know it’ll be awhile before I see him again. Which is totally the case right now!! I saw him for lunch the other day, which of course, was amazing. However, it needed to be short because of schedules and timing. Feeling his hand on my leg at the table was amazing and the subtle, quick brush between my legs with his hand had me melting.

I’m hopefully seeing him a couple days next week and I sincerely can’t wait!! I miss him ridiculously. It’s so silly and crazy and juvenile, but who cares? Missing someone and being missed are both great feelings. Everyone wants to be wanted. And I want him. And I want those hands to leave some more fun marks on me…. πŸ˜‰

Back soon! ❀️

‘A’ Is For Acceptance….

Welcome back, me! A month later to the day since my last post lol. And here I thought I was going to be getting more disciplined about writing here…. πŸ™‚ Anyways, I’ve been seeing this alphabet kind of thing going around on some of the other blogs I follow. I think it’ll be a good way to get me to write more. I’m planning on shooting for a post maybe a few times a week so it doesn’t take me a year to finish the alphabet. πŸ™‚ So, without any further ado…

Image result for here we go gif

I decided to choose the word ‘acceptance’ for my ‘A’ meaning for a few reasons. One of the most obvious ones, to me anyways, is the acceptance of who we all are sexually. When I met my Master, we shared many things with each other in terms of what we like or are interested in sexually. I think that’s the beauty in a way of talking to random people on the internet. You really do see that no topic is really off limits because if you decide to never to talk to that person again, you don’t have to! Fortunately for me, he decided to keep talking to me, even after he got to know me, which is shocking all on its own. πŸ˜‰ He and I have very similar interests in what we like/want to try sexually and have more than once gone over what our limits are. He’s never judged me for what I like or have wanted to try or have already tried. We often have other conversations just about how every person is different and should do what works for them.

A second reason I chose this word is because he just plainly accepts me for me. I know I’m a crazy person who’s in another serious relationship. I’m not that smart, nor that pretty. As a matter of fact, I have absolutely no idea what he even sees in me at all. But he must see something because if he didn’t, I would assume he just would stop interacting with me. πŸ™‚ That, or he just wants his books back…. πŸ˜‰ I don’t know if he remembers this comment at all, but there was once awhile back that he said maybe we were kindred spirits. Maybe this was him joking or just being nice, but it meant something to me. That I’m just as much his as he is mine. We have a mutual understanding, respect and acceptance of each other. There’s not much else you can ask from another person.

I honestly have been contemplating this post for awhile, thinking about what words I wanted to choose for the first few letters of the alphabet. It is interesting today that he and I had a conversation last night/this morning about what it is going to be like when we can’t see each other any longer. It’s a sad thought for me, and he agreed it would be sad and said he tries not to dwell on these thoughts and just take today for what it is because wondering/worrying about tomorrow is a waste of time. After talking to him about future meetings (next week hopefully!!), I’m really going to try focusing on doing just that. I imagine it’ll be a bit difficult for me, as my mind tends to skip steps while running down the stairs. πŸ™‚ But then again, he knows this about and still loves me anyways, as I love him. When this is over, which is hopefully not any time soon, I’ll sadly accept it while still being grateful for every single moment I had with him.

I was looking around online to find some kind of cliche quote to say what I want to say, only better. I found a few I liked, but then I saw this list and just decided to link it here instead. Take a look and see if there are any that you like. πŸ™‚

But for now, just as my loving Master says, worrying today about tomorrow is not time well spent. I’d rather spend the time thinking about hiking with him, cleaning along his side and being bent over, fucked hard and rough by him…. This…this fate I happily accept. πŸ˜‰

Mmmm, hi!


Hi! I recently saw him for a very short breakfast. We actually haven’t been getting together as much as we did for awhile there, which is sad, but a necessary evil. I suppose that’s what I get for falling for a sexy, busy man with responsibilities…πŸ˜‰

Anyways, it was amazing in a way seeing him for less than an hour and just only talking. For some reason it really hit me hard that maybe he really does like me for more than just my slutty, submissive side. That’s part of what’s interesting about learning how this works. For both of us, it’s impossible to stay in those roles the whole time because when we started talking it wasn’t this….planned out thing. It all just sort of happened. I don’t know what that might mean but I know I’m happy and wouldn’t change a thing. Even kissing him for a few seconds before he had to go just melted me. I am completely taken by him still. We haven’t even known each other for a year, but there really is something special about him, no matter what he thinks. I would do just about anything for him.

It will be interesting though in the next month though. His situation will change dramatically regarding scheduling, so I’m not sure how that’s going to work. My job is also getting ready to change as well and I’ll be working from home. Hopefully that will go well!! I have an idea that I think will be fun for this blog and would like to start that very soon, so stay tuned for that!! 😊

Side note before I have to go: I saw Endgame today. Someone should’ve told me that even though I know how it ended, that I would still leave the theater a hot mess of tears and snot.

Terrific Tuesday!

So it’s Tuesday! Why is that exciting?! It’s probably not lol. Although it is one day closer to seeing Him next week. Monday’s are usually our days together, so keep your fingers crossed that next week follows suit! πŸ˜‰

Saw this today and it made me smile and think about him:

Texting is quite dangerous while driving… πŸ˜‰ This has been something we’ve done quite a few times (road head, not texting lol!) and it’s honestly just as exciting each time. Stepping into his car after he’s been waiting on me, knowing he’s been stroking himself is an incredibly sexy sight. And then immediately getting my head pulled down into his lap, his already hard cock filling my mouth while his hand is on the back of my head. Then sucking and teasing him with my lips and tongue the whole drive back to his house is fantastic. Hearing him moan and saying how good it feels while my panties get wetter is just so thrilling! Most of the time I have trouble deciding if I want him to cum right then in my mouth or if I want him to wait so he can fuck me properly in the house…

We’ve talked before about maybe taking a longer drive while I give him head, but so far it’s just been driving from our meeting spot to his home. Not that that makes it any less exciting!! πŸ™‚

In some of my research in seeing if there were ways to make road head more exciting, I came across this sexy page. Some of the submitted stories are so hot!! I wouldn’t mind trying some of them with him one day…

We had to miss our Monday meeting yesterday, as he is out on vacation, but thoughts and memories of him brought me smiles throughout the day. πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to see him again!

Drop a comment if you’ve given or received road head before and want to share your thoughts! πŸ˜‰


Bored in the Bath….πŸ™„

So here I am, sitting in a bubble bath while my fiancΓ© sleeps and my Master is somewhere doing things Masters do. I should be reading honestly, but my mind is wandering and it would be a waste of several pages because I would retain none of it.

I had the intention of finding some kind of article discussing sex in water, but didn’t really find anything all that interesting or helpful. I did gather it’s best not to have sex in water if using condoms (the water breaks down the lubrication and heat from jacuzzis/hot baths could affect the efficiency). Plenty of bacteria lingers in chlorinated water as well as in rivers or lakes outside. I saw nothing discussing bath water in a clean tub though, which is where I would’ve chosen to have sex tonight. Probably wouldn’t have used bubbles though…

I am missing him today. I saw him yesterday for breakfast, which of course is always a treat. I love spending time with him anyway I can. But I’ve been so turned on by him and we’ve gotten together twice in the last week and I didn’t get the pleasure of him leading me to bed. It’s ridiculous how much I want and need him. Maybe I’ll see him again on Friday…

I did make this little video for him tonight:

The video sent to him has his name on it, but it has been covered up here with kissy emojis for privacy reasons obviously. He is so incredibly sexy in every sense of the word and I can only hope he feels a fraction for me what I do for him. Apologies for the short post tonight, but I suppose I should be a good little girl and go to bed…. πŸ˜‰

Sweet dreams, all.


EDIT: Apparently you can’t upload videos if you have a free account…lame. But here is a simple screenshot because that’s all I can do for now! πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Slow Day . . .

It’s a slow day here at work today. I haven’t actually heard from my Master in just about 24 hours now. It’s sick how I keep track of that. Anyways…

3ish hours later…

So I started writing this blog at work, but then out of nowhere it got very busy. However, during my long and boring day, I had time to get lost on my phone. I found some good memes, funny videos I could watch without sound, but then somehow I wound up on reddit and came across this post in a subreddit I sort of follow:

I thought this was actually kind of cute and sexy….maybe a nice way to leave some pink temporary marks on someone and then tear off a piece for them to eat, maybe while tied up even. 😊 I thought it was cute and sexy anyways!

This subreddit for BDSM is actually quite interesting. There’s lots to see from people as far as what their routines are, rules they set, personal photos of markings or collars. So much to explore! This is actually where we first started looking at collars and ultimately found the one he gave to me.

I also found this post about candle wax where a user shared a personal photo that looked interesting:

This is something we’ve talked about trying before also. There will hopefully be a time for everything to be tried!!

Doing this research can be fun and exciting in and of itself! When I first found this subreddit, I scoured it for a good while and sent my Master things I liked. It was very exciting for both of us and I know he loves trying new things with me! 😊

Is there anything anyone out there has ever wanted to try or tried the above things and want to share? 😊 I would love to hear!